December 26, 2004

a happy 2005

Saturday I cycled a little in the cooler; 4 degrees C, Sw 4 m/s, one rainshower made my feet cold to the bone.
71.56 k
24.53 k/hr
2:55:00 hr
43 k/hr (max)
26,706 k (total on Giant)

I'm afraid to run again. However the pain is away I should not be a fanatic and run away like a decade ago. Okay, have I lost the first trial but won't do that again.
Maybe I have to run only for 10 minutes and than go for a bike training. Something like that. I got to build it up step by step.

For everyone who reads this, I wish you a happy 2005 and that you enjoy running and break your personal best times.

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